Crystal Therapy Demystified.

 We help everyday people, like you, gain benefit from crystal therapy. Using understandable language, and sharing extensive experience, we take the mystery out of the magic. Crystal healing works for everyone; believers or non believers, old and young.  We understand how to keep the process simple and comprehensive for all levels of expertise; from the beginner to the advanced

Minerals and crystals each have their own characteristics, much like people.  Just as we all vary in personality and look, so do Mother Nature’s stones, as each carries a unique energetic signature that allows them to vibrate independently. Although autonomous, these stones also have distinctions that cause them to be alike, so they are often grouped into categories.   The categories are usually based on the color of the crystal and its connection to associated energy centers in our bodies. This is where crystal therapy begins.

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What You’ll Learn

You will work with crystals, learn their healing properties, and how to choose the right ones for the job. We will discuss how to know when a small crystal is sufficient, or when size matters.  Working with plentiful, easily obtained stones, you will learn to trust yourself, and your choices, as you become adept at choosing your crystals for the day.

If you wish to decrease stress, improve health or attitude, or elevate spiritual connections, crystals are a natural, non- invasive way to improve many aspects of your life.  You do not need previous training to benefit from our crystal classes.

Crystals For Life

In this fast-paced, modern world, you may feel pressured to operate optimally at all levels, while maintaining equilibrium.  Need to decompress?  Crystal therapy is an effective way to tap into nature, as it provides non-invasive, natural solutions to reduce symptoms of an over burdened life.  Learn from experts how to use them, choosing this alternative form of therapy to introduce peaceful, calming energy into your life.